School of Information Systems

Double Degree In Information Systems & Accounting


With increased levels of globalization, business is becoming more competitive. Consequently, the business professional should be able to access reliable and accurate information, particularly in the financial market in order to remain competitive. Thus, an understanding of Information Systems and Accounting becomes one of the significant requirements in the global era. Therefore, it also drives accountants to master in Information Technology. In this respect, BINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITY offers a double degree program, Information Systems and Accounting which is a combination of the Accounting program and Information Systems program. This combined program of study has achieved accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Highly Educational Institutions of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Catatog 2015/ B2019 (PDF), Catalog 2016/ B2020 (PDF), Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF), Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF), Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF), Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF), Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF), Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF), Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF)