School of Information Systems

Course Structure

Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013003 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
ISYS6896003 Information Systems Management, Strategy and Acquisition1 4
ISYS6901003 Enterprise Business Process2 - (AOL) 4
ISYS6596003 User Experience Research and Design2 - (AOL) 4/2
ISYS6898003 Algorithm and Programming - (AOL) 2/2
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014003 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
ISYS6892003 Database Fundamental1&2 - (AOL) 4/2
ISYS6897003 Digital Innovation - (AOL) 2
ISYS6894003 IT Infrastructure & Emerging Technology 4
ISYS6900003 IT Governance & Security2 4
COSC6011003 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 CHAR6015003 Character Building: Agama 2 20
LANG6027003 Indonesian 2
ISYS6198003 Data and Information Management2 - (AOL & AIE) 4
COSC6050003 Programming for Business 2/2
ISYS6893003 Information Systems Analysis and Design2 - (AOL) 4/2
ISYS6338003 Testing and Systems Implementation1 - (AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 ENPR6311001 Creativity and Innovation 2 22
ISYS6895003 Data Modelling 2/2
ISYS6256003 Information Systems Project Management1&2 - (AOL) 4
ISYS6902003 Research Methods in Information Systems - (AIE) 4
Stream: Business Enterprise Technology
ISYS6016003 Social Media Fundamental 2
ISYS6283003 Business Intelligence2 4
ISYS6739003 Modern Analytics4 2
Stream: Artificial Intelligence for Business
ISYS6822003 Basic Artificial Intelligence 2
ISYS6606003 Smart Application 2
ISYS6823003 Machine Learning  & Foundations 4
Stream: Marketing Intelligence3)
ISYS6755052 Marketing Intelligence 4
ISYS6756052 Social Media Marketing & Analytics 4
Minor Program 8
Free Electives 8
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 ENPR6312001 Venture Creation 2 18
ISYS6899003 Minor Project in Information Systems - (AOL & AIE) 4
Stream: Business Enterprise Technology
ISYS6202003 Social Informatics1 4
ISYS6402003 Business Analytics1 2/2
ISYS6203003 Mobile Application Development 2/2
Stream: Artificial Intelligence for Business
ISYS6574003 Information Retrieval 4
ISYS6578003 Deep Learning for Business 4
ISYS6579003 Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems1 4
Stream: Marketing Intelligence3)
ISYS6713052 Managing Content Marketing System 4
ISYS6714052 Marketing Automation System 4
ISYS6715052 Search Engine Optimization 4
Minor Program 12
Free Electives 12
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
8 ISYS6616003 Pre-Thesis 2 6
ISYS6617003 Thesis 4
ISYS6117003 Thesis 6

Total Credits 146 SCU

1) This course is delivered in English
2) Global Learning System course
3) Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Semarang
4) SCU for ISYS6739003 is practical course

-) AOL - Assurance of Learning Process System
-) AIE - Artificial Intelligence Embedded Course

 Streaming or Minor or Free Electives:
-) For 4th Semester: Students are required to choose Streaming or Minor or Free Electives, For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.
-) For 5th Semester: Students will continue to study the Stream or the Minor Program or Free Electives that has been choosen in semester 4. For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.

 Foreign Language Courses:
Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C.

Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 6th and/or 7th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program.

Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester):
-) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus).

 Enrichment Track Scheme

Track Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v v
8 v v
9 v v
10 v v
11 v v
12 v v
13 v v
14 v v
15 v v
16 v v
17 v v
18 v v
19 v v
20 v v
21 v v
22 v v
23 v v
24 v v
25 v v


IN            : Certified Internship
RS          : Certified Research
EN          : Certified Entrepreneurship
CD          : Certified Community Development
SA           : Certified Study Abroad
IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study
FS           : Further Study
etc           : Study Program Special Purposes

Student can choose one of the existing tracks.