School of Information Systems

Logika Fuzzy untuk Audit Sistem Informasi

Judul Logika Fuzzy untuk Audit Sistem Informasi.   (Research SI-2012-19)
Skema Penelitian dana internal (HIBAH BINUS)
Tahun Anggaran 2012
Ketua Peneliti Hari Setiabudi Husni, SPt., MSi
Anggota Peneliti Firman Arifin, S.Kom; Yuliyanti, S.Kom., M.Pd*



The aim of this research was to study and introduce fuzzy logic into audit information system field of study. Fuzzy logic already adopted in other field of study, and shows much promise in helping decision process that incorporate subjective information and transform it to more accepted scientific objective information. This research use simulation scenario to see how fuzzy logic concept should be used in audit information process. The result was there a possible concept of fuzzy logic that can be used for helping auditor in making objective decision in the audit information system process. More research needed to further explore the fuzzy logic concept such as creating the system of fuzzy logic and build application that can be used for day to day information system audit process by the auditor.

Keywords: fuzzy logic, information system audit, decision process

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