Continuum of Movie Induced Tourism

Continuum of Movie Induced Tourism
Movie-induced tourism is a film which convinced to encourage the tourist’s desire to visit the place shown in film. This is an interesting phenomenon to be researched considering the high prospect of tourism sector to substitute the income from natural resources.
There have been several research examining the relationship between film/ movie and tourism. However, the initial framework which focusing on audience perspective and specifically examine the impacts of film on audience was first proposed by Macionis (2004). The concept called ‘Film-induced tourism’. The concept made to express the visits made to corresponding site which is influenced from audio- visual shown in The Movie (Cardoso et al., 2017). To classify type of tourist that visit a tourism site. Macionis (2004) classified 3 continuums of movie-induced tourist, namely; Serendipitous Film Tourist, General Film Tourist, and Specific Film Tourist which are shown in the Figure 1.
Serendipitous film tourist visits a tourism site drive by authenticity of the place. For example, tourist visit Haghia Sophia Museum is motivated by the beautiful structure and it’s long history of religion heritage. Meanwhile, specific film tourist visits a place because their fantasy which comes from the place, storyline, and character they see in the film such as tourist visits to Hobitton movie set in New Zealand after watching
Lord of The Ring (Kraaijenzank, 2009). Movie-induced tourism purpose is to shift people from Serendipitous film tourist to Specific Film Tourist, and therefore it is often utilized as a means of marketing strategy to promote tourism destination (Millán et al., 2016). Initially, Macionis stated that toward the continuum from Serendipitous film tourist to Specific Film there is increase of interest in film and self- actualization. Later Gjorgievski and Trpkova (2012) adding the decrease importance of authenticity and increasing important of push factors in the continuum of change from Serendipitous film tourist to Specific Film Tourist.
Gjorgievski and Trpkova (2012) cited Macionis (2004) explained The Movie-induced phenomenon based on “pull and push” factor. Push factor comes from audience itself, which is related to something that encourage them to visit a place from watching the movie. It is represented by some aspect such as exploration and evaluation of self, relaxation, escape, social interaction, and education. Mascionis (2004) gave example of push factors;
1) to satisfy needs of socialisation with family and friends;
2) to satisfy needs of escape with rest and recreation; or
3) to satisfy sun lust desires to get sun-tanned
Whereas pull theory is related to something that attracts the audience to visit the place which is represented by 3P: Place, Personality, and Performance. Place is the location where The Movie (or particular scene) is shot, whether it real (e.g. Laskar Pelangi) or fictional (e.g. Lord of The Ring). It involves film location attributes, such as unique scenery or landscapes which are quickly identifiable and attractive
Wijaya, M. I., & Rosikha, N. A. (2020). MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISM AS A POWERFUL TOURISM BRANDING MEDIA (Study Case on “Laskar Pelangi” The Movie). Airlangga Journal of Innovation Management, 1(2), 153–159.