School of Information Systems

Optimizing AI as A Learning Assistant for Students

Education is definitely not an exception either; artificial intelligence has affected so many fields. Staring at the new learning period, artificial intelligence becomes a reliable friend ready to redefine the acquisition processes. Still, many people are concerned: Will the instructors be replaced with Artificial intelligence? The answer turns out to be a definite no Innovative technology may complement human work, make new possibilities available and automate tasks that should be relieved of complications where possible.  

It also helps for one to get a learning friend in the from of artificial intelligence. They provide first of all rather valuable learning opportunities. All students are different, each of them has his or her own need, experiences, and learning deficits or gaps. Computer and AI-based program can scan the student’s record and determine how quickly and how with what methodology the student is grasping the material. This personalization ensures that none of the students is left behind and that those who are fast, do not have to wait for other slow learners to come through.  

Also, it can give prompt comments and evaluation, which might be of great value among other benefits that AI can bring. Culture and traditions also suggest that sometimes the methods of evaluation and feedback-giving may be time-consuming. Homework and tests taken immediately get marked through artificial intelligence systems, which are fast and gives student’s performance feedbacks. This kind of fast feedback is essential in good learning since it guides the pupils on the areas that need correction and time for doing the correction is promptly provided.  

In schools, there are often many and various bureaucratic procedures that claim a great deal of time and money. Some of these chores; data management relating to students, and their attendance, and scheduling among others can all be done by artificial intelligence. AI frees teachers to work on their own areas of specialization, namely, the mentorship and teaching of pupils throughout the day’s tasks.  

Besides, artificial intelligence also has a high advantage in offering round-the-clock help and assistance. Education is not only acquisition of knowledge inside the classroom the students require assistance some times at home. Through artificial intelligence, virtual assistants and chatbots can provide resources from time in which students require, assistance 24/7 and search results. This always availability ensured that learning could continue without interruption hence increasing the chances of an effective learning system that is elastic enough to accommodate all students.  

However, education must address misconceptions about AI being as a threat that is likely to replace actual teacher. There are no feelings of an affectionate and attentive instructor in AI, no creativity, and not a personal approach. I do not think that teachers and assistants who give instructions, motivate their disciples and control their activities could be replaced by machines. Artificial intelligence does not threaten to LIMB human abilities, rather it augments them. In this context, artificial intelligence enables the educators to concentrate on important interactions with their children by substituting the profound, time-consuming routines with relevant outcomes.  

Introducing artificial intelligence as a component into the course also means that there are other advantages for the career aspect. AI tools enable the educators of the world to update their own pedagogy in the same vein as the most progressive movements within Education. It is possible to analyze what is going in a classroom and how the strategies for delivering information can be improved with the help of artificial intelligence. In such a manner, the learning process of teachers becomes a perpetuating cycle of improvement to meet the students’ advances.  

Furthermore, artificial intelligence can also be used in the reduction of disparities of education at different levels. The impact can be seen in the cases when quality education is barely a dream in remote or poor areas; in such situations, artificial intelligence becomes the source of actual tools and materials. Due to courses, tutoring, and interactive unique opportunities introduced on online platforms defined by artificial intelligence, every student has a chance to learn and succeed.  

In other words, the application of artificial intelligence as a learning tool for pupils, in regard to its possible impact on education, has a change nature. It involves quick feedback, administration work is done on its own, personalized learning is boosted, and it is always available for help. Finally, artificial intelligence will facilitate good mentoring and make the work of a teacher more efficient and contribute to a proper education. Agreeing to AI allows one to develop an attractive, open, and more competent environment for learning suited to the future. Human teachers and artificial intelligence will complement each other as they open up new opportunities for the future and give every pupil the help he/she needs for development. 

Irene Pheeny Fionalia