School of Information Systems

PRD and It’s Workflow

A Product Requirement Document (PRD) is a critical document in product development used to describe the features, functionality, and behavior of the product to be developed. It serves as a guide for the development team, ensuring all members have a shared understanding of the goals, requirements, and constraints of the project. Here are the main elements typically included in a PRD: 

1. Introduction 

The introduction provides context about the product to be developed. This section includes the background, objectives, and goals of the product. 

  • Background: Describes the reasons or needs driving the product development. This could include user problems, market opportunities, or customer demands. 
  • Objectives and Goals: Explains what the product aims to achieve. Goals may include business targets such as increasing revenue or market share. 

2. Scope 

The scope section outlines what the product will and will not do. This helps to set boundaries for the project and manage stakeholder expectations. 

  • In-Scope: Details the features and functionalities that will be included in the product. 
  • Out-of-Scope: Specifies what will not be included in the product. 

3. User Personas 

User personas represent the different types of users who will interact with the product. This helps in understanding user needs and behaviors. 

  • Descriptions: Provide detailed descriptions of each persona, including their demographics, goals, and pain points. 
  • Use Cases: Describe specific scenarios in which the personas will use the product. 

4. Functional Requirements 

This section outlines the specific functionalities that the product must have. It is the core of the PRD and should be detailed and comprehensive. 

  • Feature Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of each feature the product will include. 
  • User Stories: Short descriptions of features from the user’s perspective. 
  • Acceptance Criteria: Conditions that must be met for each feature to be considered complete. 

5. Non-Functional Requirements 

Non-functional requirements define how the product should perform and under what conditions. 

  • Performance: Details on speed, responsiveness, and stability. 
  • Security: Requirements for protecting data and ensuring user privacy. 
  • Usability: Criteria for ease of use and user interface design. 

6. Technical Requirements 

Technical requirements cover the technological aspects of the product. 

  • Platform: Specifies the platforms (e.g., web, mobile) the product will support. 
  • Technology Stack: Details the technologies and frameworks to be used. 
  • Integration: Requirements for integrating with other systems or APIs. 

7. Milestones and Timeline 

This section provides a roadmap for the project, including key milestones and deadlines. 

  • Milestones: Significant points in the project timeline, such as feature completions or beta releases. 
  • Timeline: A detailed schedule outlining when each milestone and task should be completed. 

8. Assumptions and Constraints 

Documenting assumptions and constraints helps manage risks and expectations. 

  • Assumptions: Conditions assumed to be true for the project. 
  • Constraints: Limitations or restrictions affecting the project, such as budget or resource limitations. 

9. Risks and Mitigations 

Identifying potential risks and their mitigations is crucial for proactive planning. 

  • Risks: Potential issues that could impact the project. 
  • Mitigations: Strategies for addressing or minimizing the impact of these risks. 

10. Appendices 

Additional information that supports the PRD but is not included in the main sections. 

  • Glossary: Definitions of terms used in the document. 
  • References: Links to related documents or resources. 

The workflow involving stakeholders in the creation and management of a Product Requirement Document (PRD) is crucial for ensuring that all perspectives are considered and that the final product meets the needs of its users and business objectives. Here’s a typical workflow for involving stakeholders in the PRD process: 

1. Initial Concept and Feasibility 

  • Idea Generation 
  • Stakeholders (product managers, marketing teams, executives) propose initial ideas or identify needs. 
  • Feasibility Study 
  • Initial feasibility analysis by technical teams and business analysts to assess viability. 

2. Requirement Gathering 

  • Stakeholder Meetings 
  • Conduct meetings with key stakeholders (customers, users, executives, technical leads) to gather requirements and expectations. 
  • Surveys and Interviews 
  • Use surveys, interviews, and questionnaires to collect input from a broader user base. 

3. Drafting the PRD 

  • Initial Draft 
  • Product manager or assigned team drafts the initial PRD based on gathered requirements. 
  • Collaboration and Review 
  • Share the draft with stakeholders for feedback. Use collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs, Confluence) for comments and suggestions. 

4. Review and Refinement 

  • Feedback Sessions 
  • Conduct review sessions with stakeholders to discuss feedback and make necessary revisions. 
  • Iteration 
  • Iterate on the PRD draft based on feedback until a consensus is reached. 

5. Approval Process 

  • Formal Review 
  • Present the refined PRD to senior stakeholders (executives, project sponsors) for formal review. 
  • Sign-off 
  • Obtain formal approval and sign-off from all key stakeholders. 

6. Development and Execution 

  • Kickoff Meeting 
  • Hold a kickoff meeting with the development team to ensure understanding of the PRD. 
  • Ongoing Communication 
  • Maintain regular communication with stakeholders to address questions and provide updates on progress. 

7. Monitoring and Updates 

  • Progress Reviews 
  • Conduct regular progress reviews to ensure alignment with the PRD. 
  • Change Management 
  • Implement a change management process for handling any modifications to the PRD. Ensure changes are documented and approved by relevant stakeholders. 

8. Final Review and Launch 

  • Final Validation 
  • Conduct final validation with stakeholders to ensure the product meets all requirements. 
  • Launch Preparation 
  • Prepare for product launch, including marketing and user training. 
  • Post-Launch Review 
  • Conduct a post-launch review to gather feedback and identify any areas for improvement. 

This workflow ensures that the PRD is comprehensive, aligns with stakeholder expectations, and provides a clear blueprint for the development team to follow. 


Andika Suryaputra