School of Information Systems

Database Management in the Industry 4.0!

According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1984, the industry is an economic activity that processes raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished goods into high-value goods for their use, including industrial design and engineering activities. The industry will continually change or evolve along with being influenced by several factors in technology, economy, and socio-culture. The industry will continue to adapt to the current industrial era to making it more competitive with one and each other.

An industry can rely on large amounts of data collected from various sources, such as e-mail, social media, campaign programs, paper documents, e-mail, and different data from websites. As the amount of data grows, this can drive the need for rigorous database management.

Since the industrial revolution 1.0 to 4.0, technological developments have been swift and focused on digital transformation. The industrial revolution reached the 4.0 era when the application of technology was oriented towards fiber technology and integrated network systems that work in every economic activity, from production to consumption. Each era of the industrial revolution has its technological pillars, which serve to develop the industry ready for the digital world.

So, what technologies are the pillars of the Industrial Revolution 4.0?

Picture 1. Five technologies that become the main pillars in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Source: Kominfo)

In the picture above, five technology pillars build and develop the industry in the 4.0 revolution era, including Automation, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Autonomous, IoT, and Database Management. In this article, we will discuss the importance of Database Management and its contribution to the industry in this revolution.

Definition and the Function of Database Management System (DBMS)

However, before diving into database management, we must understand a database in its most superficial meaning. The database is a core of a computerized business system. This database contains essential data in business processes, such as customer records, addresses, and financial information.

Then, Database Management System (DBMS) is one of the four components of Data Analysis. This segment is still related to how we analyze and store the data. DBMS is a software system that connects databases with users so data processing can run properly. DBMS will help users to read, update, organize, and delete data in the database.

In simple terms, the function of database management is to enable an industry or company to collect data and store it regularly so that it is easy to manage. That means that database management is beneficial for achieving various goals, starting from simple to complex business processes. Industries can use database management to retrieve data and analyze the information obtained correctly to achieve data-based business goals.

Benefits of Using Database Management Systems (DBMS)

The increasing volume of data in this revolutionary era shows the need for a system to manage this data appropriately and correctly. The success of an industry can be seen in how they manage data to improve its business processes. The more applications that use data and their role in making business decisions, the more critical it becomes to manage data effectively. The following are some of the benefits of implementing database management, including:

  • Improved decision-making.

Along with the increasingly complex volume of data, the DBMS can make it easier for the industry to store and process it into information used in the decision-making process. With fast solutions using data queries, database management allows more accurate data access. Accurate data management procedures will be better for producing more high-quality information, leading to better industry decision-making.

  • Increased Productivity

DBMS can increase the industry’s value and an organization’s assets from the decision-making process. In addition, the DBMS can reduce repetitive data processing.

in the industry. As a result, the workforce in the industry can be more productive, comply better with data regulations, and make better decisions.

  • Effective Data Integration

Where previously the data management process was done manually, everything will be done automatically after using the DBMS. Appropriately, the DBMS will include a flexible integrated option to standardize data from multiple found sources, remove duplicate data, normalize, segment, and create custom workflows to enrich the dataset.

To conclude, DBMS is an important thing that various industries must implement. The reason is those technological developments that produce more data volume. The DBMS will provide many benefits for the industry so that business processes can also run.

The DBMS also facilitates every human resource in an industry with data management processes that are carried out automatically, thus increasing the effectiveness of every business activity. With data integrated into the DBMS, it will also facilitate data standardization and normalization processes, avoid data redundancy, and reduce the rate of errors made by human workers.

Database, Industry 4.0, Database Implementation Benefit, DBMS


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Rosa Palibo,Anarangga Shambarana Arminawan, Audry Puteri Ramadhani, Gede Surya Mahendra Usatama