School of Information Systems

Ivan Justin Wirawan

Nama    : Ivan Justin Wirawan
NIM       : 1501145890
IPK        : 3.96
Jurusan : Audit Sistem Informasi

First of all, Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ by His grace i could complete my studies in Binus University. I especially grateful to my parents who have supported me in every way during studies at Binus University, to all lecturers who have been guiding, teaching and educating, to all the friends who also supported me and also to Binus University who have prepared us to face global challenges. Binus University has been striving to improve its quality so that it can help us to maximize the potential that we have. However, all return again to ourselves, how we should be able to find out, maximize and motivate ourselves to maximize the potential that we have. I am sure that each of us can and be successful in their fields with working hard and continue to motivate ourselves to achieve the goals that have been set. This was the beginning of us to face the real world and to continue to work for the people around us. God Bless you.

Ivan Justin Wirawan