Immersion to Singapore (2014)

This Immersion is held by Information System Smart Class and supported by School of Information System. This immersion short course creates to build the network with other universities, and also several multi national company in Singapore. We do the internatiolionatization through all our activities in this Immersion. The immersion start from May 7th until may 12th. A lot of activities we’ve had there: companies visit, campuses visit and alumnae sharing.
Departure, Soekarno-Hatta Iternational Airport – Changi International Airport. At 5 AM students gather in Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Terminal 3. We use Tiger Air as our flight. We fly at 7 PM and arrived Changi International Airport at 10 AM in Singapore time.
Company Visit, IBM Technology Park, Tampines, Singapore
In IBM Technoogy Park, we welcomed by one of the employee, they showed us about their high-technology manufactory for their mainframe products. We take a look around the manufactory and one of their specialist in hardware from Irish explained all the process to make 1 mainframe. From the place where they stored the spare parts, how they assembly 1 mainframe based on the standards, the quality check room, until last thing they do, packing.
May 8th, 2014
University Visit, Singapore Institute Management
On second day, we did 2 university visit, to SIM and INSEAD. First we went to SIM, Singapore Institute Management. We welcomed by one of SIM’s staff from Indonesia. They took us to tone of their classroom and give us the presentation about their postgraduate or master programmes. For international students like us, they have SIM Global Education. SIM has some universities partner from around the world, like, University of Warwick, University of London, University of Birmingham, etc. They offer us various program studies but especially for our major, they show us about Business-related program. One of most interesting program they have is Master of Science in Digital Marketing by University of Southampton. Mostly their master programmes done in around 1 year. Their university is quite big, they have 2 main buildings and other campuses building in different place.
University Visit, INSEAD
Our second destination is INSEAD. INSEAD is known as MBA school. They only offer Master program in INSEAD. They have 2 campusses, in Singapore and France. We welcomed with (surprisingly) Indonesian staff and took us to the small auditorium. She explained about what is MBA at first before getting into the INSEAD program. Because INSEAD exclusively for master program, so almost all students in here are the worker and employee. They have a requirement for everyone who wants to enroll to INSEAD, they have to had at least 2 years working experience. Their MBA program is for 1 ful year and you can’t do your job while you having MBA program.
May 9th, 2014
Company Visit, SAP Singapore
On our third day, we went to SAP Singapore. Since most of us learn SAP in campus so went to SAP it’s very important for us. They offer us to play their game. This is kind of simulation game. So we divided into 6 small groups. 1 group is as 1 company, we compete each group to have great result. The game use ERP implementation. Our mission is to sold as much goods and also get more profit. This game controled by 1 person and he guide us step by step. This game is really fun and also challenging. We have to make a strategy, and also we have to capable to see diagram, and any information that appear in front of us. We did a lot of things like selling, do the procurement, bidding, marketing by promote, control the finance, shipping the goods, order goods, purchase something, etc. Unfortunately we didn’t have much time to do the games and some technical problem made us have to stop for a while.
Company Visit, Fusionworld
Actually based on the schedule, we will go to SMU (Singapore Management University), but unfortunately they can’t have us on that day because of some problems, so we change our destination to Fusionworld. Fusionworld is a company that offer dynamic and interactive showcase of inventions and cutting edge in-house and industry-collaboration prototypes created by A*STAR’s research institutes. ( We do the tour by split our group into 2 groups. The tour itself, guide by 1 tour guide from fusionworld and also helped by 2 other staff. They show use a lot of ancy technologies that they create and found. From how they recognize face and detect the gender, record the face when guest do the screening before enter, games that use our focus to play it, recycle glasses, and also they invented technology for medical equipment.
May 10th, 2014
Alumnae Sharing, School of Economics & Social Sciences Singapore Management University
Our lecturers, Mr. Fredy Jingga and Ms. Tanty Oktavia helped us contacted some alumnae from BINUS University, who stay in Singapore, espcially from our major, Information System. They invited by us to share about their work life in Singapore, about the work experience, lifestyle, and other things. There were 4 alumnae that came and sharing with us. Johan Widjaja, Juliana Claire, Rino, and Lius. All of them already work in Sigapore for more than 2 years. One of them, Juliana Claire also share her school life in Singapore. Now she took master degree in Singapore.
May 11th, 2014
Have Fun!!, Universal Studio Singapore
After almost a week we did the company and university visit, so we have 1 day to have fun. We went to USS from morning until night. Actually, we have 2 destination, some us went to USS with Ms Tanty and some others went to Singapore Zoo with Mr. Fredy.
May 12th, 2014
Company Visit, Glints Intern
The last day, we have an honour to came to Glints Intern and meet directly with one of the CEO itself, Qin En. He shared abou their life experience, trouble while they want to make a business, and untl now they have Glints as their company. Glints help people who seek for internship worldwide. Actually not only internship, you also can get more from them. They try to help us to find the match intern for us. In this session, he asked us to create some new idea how to make people want to try and buy Coca cola before they know about that brand at all. So we make a small groups to discuss and some of us presents our creative ideas of how we gonna ask market to use our products. It was fun and he taught us a lot of things especially in business.
This Immersion give us much International experience. Even thogh we only do the visit to some company and university, but I think it’s good enough to built a network and give us the reference for what next what will we do after graduate. Every activities in this Immersion is really useful and fun. Not only we gain academic benefit, we also have more good relation between our classmates. And also for us, smart class, we get the “International” experiencemore than we imagine.
(Ghea – Immersion Participant)