SIS Students Represent Indonesia in CaseIT International MIS Case Study Competition

Towards BINUS Vision as a World Class Knowledge Institution, School of Information Systems Bina Nusantara University got the placement in Preliminary Round as the only representatives from Indonesia in CaseIT International MIS Case Competition 2012.
CaseIT is an annual international undergraduate business case competition with a strong in Management Information Systems focus designed to find the best and brightest in strategic IT case Analysis. Case IT hosted by Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia – Canada.
The Structure of the competition consists of 16 teams competing against each other in a 24-hour case deliberation. Before the University around the globe competes from February 1 to 4, 2012, there’s a preliminary round to get the placement for competition.
School of Information Systems, BINUS University Team called “Biztech Consulting” was consisted of Fredy Jingga Faculty Member from Information Systems Department as Coach, Tinnike, and Rosmiyana from Information Systems Department, and Angeline from Information Systems Accounting Program study as Participants.
In the Preliminary Round, unpublished MIs Case sent via E-mail to all registered teams. Teams of three undergraduate students have approximately 21 days to analyze the case and submit the results to the Preliminary Case Evaluation Committee.
Meanwhile in the competition, each team will have 24 hours to analyze the situation facing the case company and develop a compelling proposal to address the problems identified in the case. During this period, the teams will deliberate in their respective team hotel rooms.
The judging criteria are based on content and presentation of the team in front of the Judges. Senior Industry Professionals and executives serve as the panel judges and provide invaluable feedback to case participants on their analysis and presentations. This competition gives very great experiences for School of Information Systems Bina Nusantara University towards the Binus Vision as a World Class Knowledge Institution.
by. Freddy Jingga
From left to right
TInnike (Participant), Rosmiyana(Participant), Angeline(Participant), Fredy Jingga (Coach)