About Us
International Design Challenge (IDC) is an annual UI/UX competition organized by School of Information Systems. IDC facilitates undergraduate students from various design and technology backgrounds to demonstrate their problem solving and design ability to propose solutions for digital-technology issues.
IDC aims to give opportunity for undergraduate students to implement their creative thinking, analytical thinking, knowledge, and teamwork in the field of human computer interaction. IDC also aims to give international experience and networking platform for undergraduate students.
This year’s competition theme is “Solving Digital Problems Through Digital Design Creativity”. IDC will be partnering with two case providers, Kotakode and Bhinneka, to provide real-world UI/UX design cases. These cases will be distributed to the participants and the be solved based on the principles of UI/UX design. The expected outcome from the participants is an interactive UI/UX design which generated based on the principles of UI/UX design.
Based on the current pandemic situation, this year competition will be conducted online. Every participant will be provided with the guideline of each phase mechanisms to ensure the competition run smoothly.