Welcome to Information Systems Accounting and Auditing
Information Systems / Information Technology (IS/IT) is essential to manage transactions, information, and knowledge necessary to initiate and sustain economic and social activities. These activities increasingly rely on globally cooperating entities to be successful. In many organizations, IS/IT is fundamental to support, sustain and grow the business. While many organizations recognize the potential benefits that technology can yield, the successful ones also understand and manage the risks associated with implementing new technologies. Another growing industry supported by technology is Financial, in a form of application, Financial Technology penetration broadly spread to the society. To understand more about Financial Technology environment, the knowledge about finance management, policy, financial services in certain area are some of the concerns to be prepared.
Therefore, in many organizations especially in an accounting firm as an external auditor and IT-dependent company such as banking, telecommunication and oil and gas as internal IS (Information Systems) Auditor, the demand of Information System Auditor is growing every year. Instead, by also understanding about Financial Technology environment, the information systems designer is becoming the most wanted profession in this digitalize world. Related with this opportunity, BINUS UNIVERSITY offering Information Systems Accounting & Auditing Program to fulfill the demand of IS Auditor and Financial Technology Specialist to prepare knowledgeable fresh graduate in that area.