Presentation Guidelines for Authors

First, we would like to welcome all of you to ICIMTech 2024
Thank you for presenting your research at the conference. To make sure that all sessions run smoothly, we provide the following brief guidelines for all authors to follow:
- Each paper may only be presented by one author’s representative.
- Please ensure you have finished creating the PDF eXpress, Copyright Form, and Payment process before the conference day. We will not allow authors to present if one of these requirements has not been fulfilled.
- Please be prepared in the presentation room or online room 15 minutes before the session starts and make sure that your file runs appropriately.
- For onsite participants, presentation files can be shared via Zoom during the presentation or sent to the committee 1 day before the presentation schedule (send your presentation to and mention the paper ID in the email subject).
- The online presentation will run using Zoom and the presentation will run in the Breakout room. Online participants do not need to send their presentation files to the committee.
- For online participants, please make sure your connection is stable, and your camera is on during the presentation. Please use our Virtual Background
- Please kindly note that we will record all the presentations, but won’t upload them online for the public.
- Research papers will be scheduled for oral presentations, where each session is allocated 2 hours for 6 – 7 paper presentations.
- Please make sure that you finish your presentation in 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for Q&A.
- Participants must remain in their respective rooms until all participants have finished their presentations because there will be a group photo session at the end of each session.
- We will send certificates and proceedings to presenters two weeks after the event via the presenter’s email.