Keynotes Speaker

Dr. Yi Li

Dr. Yi Li, is the Assistant Professor of School of Computer Science and Engineering, NTU. He also become the Associate Director of NTU Centre in Computational Technologies for Finance (CCTF). He is the Program Director of MSc in Blockchain, NTU

Topic: Building Trustworthy Decentralized Applications


Prof. Dr. Kusrini, M.Kom

Prof. Dr. Kusrini, M.Kom is a lecturer at Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta since 2003. Currently serves as the Director of Postgraduate and Head of the Informatics Engineering Magister Program. Completed computer science doctoral studies at Gadjah Mada University in 2010. Active as Coordinator of Distance Learning and MOOC at APTIKOM Pusat, as Secretary General of CORIS, and as Head of IndoCEISS Cooperation. She Enjoys researching the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Decision Support Systems, Data Mining and Databases. She Actively involved as an IT consultant for both the government and the private sector. Actively publishing, and currently has an H-Index Scopus 8. Got some research grants from national and international. Currently, she is as a work package leader of Silvanus Project which involves 49 institutions from 18 countries. The project is granted by European Commission under Horozon 2020 Project until March 2025.

Topic: Integrated Technology for Forest Fire Management


Associate Prof. Yen Ching Chiuan

A/Prof. Yen Ching Chiuan is the Co-Director of Keio-NUS CUTE Center, Co-Director of NUS Centre for Additive Manufacturing (AM.NUS) and was the founding Head of Division of Industrial Design (DID) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He also holds joint appointments with the Smart Systems Institute at NUS. His research interests lie in methodologies for design, and he champions a “pluralistic dimension” of design study and research, in particular, in the area of design for healthcare and interaction. He has worked with many renowned companies including: ABBOT, ASUS, BMW Designwork USA, Coca Cola, Creative, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, DELL, Estee Lauder, OSIM, National University Hospital, Samsung, Swarovski, Tupperware, and VISA, etc. He has successfully received over S$ 30M grant as PI/Co-PI/Collaborator from government agencies, universities and industries. His supervision in design is highly regarded and has received more than 50 top international or regional design awards, including, to name a few, the, Stanford Longevity Technology Prize 2015, Braunprize 2007, Luminary, red-dot award: design concept 2006, ACM CHI Student Competition 2016 and James Dyson Award (Singapore) 2012

Topic : Simulation as a Catalyst for Sustainable Futures: A Journey from VR to XR Education