Instructions for Camera Ready

Prepare your Camera Ready Paper 

  1. Please revise your paper based on reviewers’ comments/suggestions complying with the IEEE two-column A4 size standard conference format (2025 ICIMTech Camera Ready Template). The reviewer’s comments are available in the same Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT):
  2. The minimum number of pages, including figures and references, is four (4), and the maximum number of pages, including figures and references, is six (6).
  3. Remember that the camera-ready paper’s similarity score should be low (a similarity index below 15% is acceptable for publication). The maximum file size allowed is 3 MB, and the file format is Adobe PDF (.pdf) without encryption and/or passwords.
  4. The authors must make sure that the comments of the reviewers/meta-reviewers have been addressed in the final manuscript. 
  5. All paper content must be in English, including figures and tables. If the figures and tables are not in English, then an explanation in English must be added. 
  6. The use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in a paper (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any paper submitted to an IEEE publication. The AI system used shall be identified, and specific sections of the paper that use AI-generated content shall be identified and accompanied by a brief explanation regarding the level at which the AI system was used to generate the content. The use of AI systems for editing and grammar enhancement is common practice and, as such, is generally outside the intent of the above policy. In this case, disclosure, as noted above, is recommended. 

How to Create PDFXpress 

After You receive email confirmation from the ICIMTech 2025 committee to create a pdf express paper from your final paper, you must follow these steps: 

  1. Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision. 
  2. Please go to 
  3. Enter the following conference ID: 
  4. Log into the PDF Express Website. If you do not have an account, please create one. 
  5. After login, Click Dashboard, then click Create New Title
    button and this form will appear. 
  6. Enter your paper title, click continue, then upload your file (attached), then click continue.
  7. After the conversion process, this form will appear, and IEEE will send an email to you for notification.
  8. In Action column, click approve as seen below:
  9. After this confirmation appears, your pdf express paper is already completed.
  10. You must download the result of your pdf express paper, and make sure
    no content is missing or misplaced. If there is still something that does not match, Step 5 can be done again.
  11. Upload pdf express paper to the CMT application through ‘Create Camera Ready Submission’ menu 

 How to Create Copyright Form 

  1. Login to CMT application 
  2. Click ‘Submit IEEE copyright Form’ link to enter the IEEE Copyright Form Submission CMT page 
  3. Now, the author will be redirected to the IEEE eCF site to submit the copyright form. Make sure the order of Authors is the same as the order of Authors in the final Paper-pdf express version (Author changes are prohibited).
    Click “here” on the part that is colored red.

  4. You will see the page below, then click
  5. Make sure your paper data is correct and click
  6. If necessary, please edit your paper Title and Authors, but if not,
    please continue by clicking the
    continue button
  7. Click on the Agreement below and Click
  8. select
    Yes“, and click the “Continue” button.
  9. select
    Yes“, and click the “Continue” button.
  10. Select one of the
    funder mandates that matches your paper, then click “continue“.
  11. Select one of the
    Employment status, then click “continue“.
  12. Read IEEE Copyright and Consent Form
  13. Scroll down to the bottom part of the IEEE Copyright and Consent
    Form, Write your name and click
  14. Congratulations, your E-Copyrigth has been successfully created. You can download the Aggrement and click “done“.
  15. After filling out the IEEE copyright form and copyright agreements,
    there is an option to download the completed IEEE Copyright Form (The author would have received the copyright
    form through email also).
  16. Please upload it to the same page in CMT (or use the ‘drop files
    here’ menu). The corresponding author may submit the copyright form for all the authors of the paper.
  17. Don’t Forget Rename file to
    CopyrigthReceipt – [Your paper ID] and
    Click “Save


Registration & Payment Guideline 

  1. The author’s next step is to register. The registration process can be done via the following link: 
  2. If you have made a payment, please confirm the payment on the following link: 
  3. Important Notes:
  • Domestic Category Valid for Indonesian Citizenship Only 
  • The paper registration fee is required for an author to participate in our conference. The registration covers the cost of 1 author and 1 paper; any additional papers must be separately registered as an “Additional Speaker”.  
  • Cancellation and Refund Policy: There is no refund for cancellation of all ICIMTECH-related payments.  
  • For participants who have chosen to attend onsite but are changed to Online for any reason, there will be no refund. 
  • If the onsite event cannot be held due to government restrictions, the difference in fees will be returned to participants who have registered their attendance onsite. 
  • Registration includes the following: 
  • Admission to all technical sessions. 
  • One electronic copy of the conference proceeding (soft copy) 
  • Meals and Souvenirs (onsite only)