School of Information Systems


Datacenter design plays a very important role and is essential for creating an energy efficient datacenter with energy saving configuration.  Creating a good datacenter design requires attention to be paid to the following: (1) datacenter location, (2) construction of the datacenter building, (3) resources, and (4) configuration (Pillai, 2013, Datacenter is an ideal for companies that need a customized, dedicated system that gives full control over data and equipment. Since only the company will be using the infrastructure’s power, a datacenter is also more suitable for organizations that run many different types of applications and complex workloads.

Most big datacenters, the global backbone of the internet, could slash their greenhouse gas emissions by 88% by switching to efficient, off-the-shelf equipment and improving energy management. The carbon emissions generated mostly to three things: (1) the computing efficiency of IT datacenter equipment, like servers, storage and network switches; (2) the amount of electricity a datacenter’s building uses for things other than computing, primarily cooling; and (3) how much of the center’s electricity comes from renewable or low-carbon sources (Golden, 2013)

Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT industry for the past decade and is still developing creative ways to solve that problems. Companies and research institutes are slowly moving to the cloud to address their computing needs. Services and applications are also common in the cloud right now. The cloud takes advantage of a centralized system and updates information real-time. Businesses with time sensitive data are quick to grab this opportunity and harness the efficiency of the cloud. Cloud computing can be an important facet of an enterprise IT organization’s push to be greener.